
Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Origin Of The Name Of The City In Indonesia


Do you know the origin of the name of the city of Bandung ? According to historical records the word " Bandung " is derived from the weir or dam for the Citarum river dammed by lava of Mount Tangkuban Perahu which then formed the lake . However , according to local myth name " Bandung " is taken from a water vehicle consisting of two boats tied up alongside the boat called used by the Regent of Bandung Bandung . Bandung is the biggest metropolitan city in West Java and also the capital of the province. In addition , the city of Bandung is also the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya . Another name of the city is the City of Flowers , and the duo also formerly known as Parijs van Java .


In addition it is also known as the Bandung city shopping , with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in the city . And in 2007 , the British Council made ​​the city of Bandung as a pilot project for the most creative city East Asia . Today, the city of Bandung is one of the main destinations of tourism and education . The following is quoted from Wikipedia the historical origins of the city of Bandung .


Historical Origins of BandungThe word " Bandung " is derived from the weir or dam because dam Citarum River by lava of Mount Tangkuban Perahu and form a lake . Legend told by older people in London say that the name " London " is taken from a water vehicle which consists of two boats tied up alongside the boat called used by the Regent of Bandung Bandung , RA Wiranatakusumah II , to sail Ci Tarum in finding the seat of the new district to replace the old capital in Dayeuhkolot .


Bandung began to serve as a settlement area since the colonial Dutch East Indies government , through the Governor -General Herman Willem Daendels that time , issued a decree dated 25 September 1810 on the development of infrastructure for the region . Later this event immortalized as the anniversary of the city of Bandung .


Bandung officially recognized status gemeente ( city ) from the Governor -General JB van Heutsz on 1 April 1906 with an area of ​​approximately 900 ha at the time , and increased to 8,000 ha in 1949, until the last increase to the current area .


During the war of independence , on March 24, 1946 , most of the city burned by the freedom fighters as part of the war strategy of the time . This event known as the Bandung Ocean of Fire and immortalized in the song Halo - Halo Bandung . In addition the city is later abandoned by most of its inhabitants were evacuated to other areas .


On April 18, 1955 at the Merdeka Building formerly named " Concordia " ( Jl. Asia Africa , now ) , opposite the Savoy Homann Hotel , was held for the first time Asian - African Conference which then returned the Asia- Africa Summit 2005 was held in this city on 19 April-24 April , 2005.


As we know today , Jakarta as the capital of our country , Indonesia . Metropolitan city that never deserted from a wide variety of activities , tourism , entertainment , economics , commerce to politics . Yes , the city as the center of the state government , it has its own charm , which makes many people , from various ethnic backgrounds , cultures , and regions flocked and ' tempt fate ' here . Actually , how the beginning of the city is formed , who the inventor , what is behind them , let us refer to both the city trip , from time - to time ;Starting from the 14th century with the proper name of Sunda Kelapa . The area known as Sunda Kelapa port of the Kingdom of Padjadjaran kingdom which became the center of commerce , politics and economics for the Dutch East Indies ( western part ) . 

Then , on June 22, 1527 Sunda Kelapa was renamed Jayakarta . Replacement name meaning City of Victory is provided by Fatahilah as a marker whose army wins leader, expel the Portuguese colonial empire over its occupation of Padjadjaran . Then , the date designated as the anniversary of the city until now ( city while No. DPR decision . 6/D/K/1956 ) 

However , on March 4, 1621 after the Dutch entered the White Rose, by the Netherlands for the first time Jayakarta which is a modified form of government into a royal town called Batavia Stad . And on 1 April 1905 changed its name to Gemeente Batavia . Continues , January 8, 1935 changed its name to Batavia Stad Gemeente . 

After Japan entered Batavia , on August 8, 1942 by the Japanese name was changed to Jakarta Batavia Betsu Stores Shi . However , after Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies after its defeat in World War II and Indonesia proclaimed its independence . In September 1945 in the Indonesian independence , the city government pledged new name for this region to the National Government of Jakarta . 

February 20, 1950 during the Pre Federal Government under the NICA , Jakarta again changed its name to Batavia Stad Gemeente . New , less than one month , on March 24, 1950 the town name was changed to City Praj'a Jakarta . Once the position of Jakarta declared autonomous region on January 18, 1958 the Township named the Djakarta Raya . And in 1961 formed the Local Government Rizal ( with PP. 2 in connection with Act No. 1961 . 2 PNPS 1961) .

Name of Andhra Pradesh alone , as we call it today, officially set at August 31, 1964 based on the Law no. 10 in 1964 and remains declared as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta name ( corroborated with law No. 29 of 2007 on the Administration of Special Province of Jakarta as the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia ) 

Then , in the development , after the reform , the tahun1999 , through Law No. 34 of 1999 on Government Special Province of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta , local government designation changed into the Provincial Government of Jakarta , and the provincial level otoniminya remain rather to uplift the city of Jakarta Province. In addition, the area of ​​Jakarta is divided into 6 regions, namely 5 municipalities and administrative districts of the region , the Thousand Islands ( Republic of Indonesia Year 2005 Number 140 , Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4700 )


Turns Surabaya name comes from the legend that tells of a fight between Sura and Crocodile Shark . Both are described as animals are strong, smart, agile and greedy . Every time there was a quarrel , then they always end in a draw . Both never won , or lost . Because of the draw finally Sura and Crocodile Shark to an agreement . 

Both claimed to be bored with the contention that they are doing and intend to divide their territory into two territories . Where the Fish Sura mastered the oceans , whilst crocodile roamed the Earth . It was agreed by both. Here is described how a conversation between Sura and Crocodile fish then. 

Fish Sura said , "Hi I'm bored and tired of Crocodiles , when the continuous bickering " . " I'm too tired , " said Vera . Then what we do , so we stop fighting ? Tanya Buanya . 

" I'm completely in the water and power will seek prey in the water alone . While you power on the mainland , so that became prey , which is on the mainland . To avoid disputes , the boundary between water and land should be determined , the place through which sea water at high tide, "

It turns out this way managed to make both of these animals to stop fighting . Both agreed to maintain and respect each area . However, The Fish Sura turns silently deny the agreement . Sura secretly searching for prey in the river and one day caught by a crocodile . 

Seeing these actions make Crocodile wrath . The Sura But do not feel guilty and continue to believe that the river is his territory .

 "Hi Sura why you dare to enter the river that has become our territory ? " Then you have violated the agreement that we both agree . " Vera said angrily .


But the anger did not make the fish feel guilty Sura , he even take it easy . " Why did I say break the agreement ? Is not this aqueous stream , whereas you 've said , that I am among the rulers in the water , therefore including turf , " said Sura shark


" The river was right there on the ground , when your power area right on the sea , so that the river remains kekuasannku area , " said Vera again .


" I never told you , that I just ruling in sea water , but the water of the river as well . "Said Sura .


" Hi Sura thought I was stupid , so you make offhand . You are deliberately start to rebel again . I'm not stupid as misconception , " said Vera .


Crocodile when it is really angry . While Sura calm and continued to maintain his opinions because I'm in the correct position . Both check-choke and eventually ended up with a fight . Crocodile angrily saying , " Who among us who has the greatest strength , then he is entitled as sole ruler .


Both of these animals experienced a big fight and rivers where they quarrel became red with the blood of kedunya . Sura crocodile shark bitten on the right of the base of the tail , so the tail was forced to veer to the left . Similarly, fish tail nearly severed Sura also bitten . In this quarrel must mneyerah and Sura fish back into the ocean . Thus Crocodile successfully defend his realm .


 The story turned out to be a legend and is believed to be the origin Asul Surabaya . However, some people also argue that Surabaya is derived from Sura and Baya . Sura means Jaya or survivor , Baya means Danger , so that means Surabaya survivors face of danger .This danger is meant to attack Tar - Tar army that intends to punish the king of Java , Jayakatwang . When it should be the punishment should mammal , mammal since been killed to death , so that was invaded by the army Jayakatwang Tar - Tar .


When the Tar - tar troops seize property and bring the girls in the village to take it to China . Turns Raden Wijaya does not accept such treatment , and conducting attacks Tar - Tar army in port Galuh Edge . Eventually they returned to China and Raden Wijaya win the event , defined as the anniversary of the city of Surabaya .


Establishment of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta Sultanate is inseparable from Giyanti Agreement February 13, 1755 , which is a political compromise Mataram Kingdom . This agreement is successfully completed feud between His Majesty the Prince Mangkubumi Pakubuwono III ( Sultan BuwonoI ) . And the agreement can not be separated from political exploits provoke VOCs . Name Giyanti Agreement , as agreed in the treaty Giyanti village , a village located near Surakarta ( now where it is located in Kerten Hamlet , Village Jantiharjo ) , Southeast Karanganyar city , Central Java .

In essence the agreement is a manifestation of the attempt to divide the kingdom of Mataram into two parts, namely Surakarta and Yogyakarta Sultanate . To further Yogyakarta Sultanate was ruled by Prince Mangkubumi which then holds a lane Senopati Ing Alogo Sayidin Panata Adul Rahman I. Gama Khalifatulah Medium Surakarta ruled by Pakubuwana III .

The first step taken by the Sultan Hamengkubuwana I as the first king of Yogyakarta is building a palace . With his command of Sultan immediately ordered the open forest contained Beringan Pacetokan hamlet . Sultan Hamengkubuwana I announced that wilyah that belonged to him was given the name Ngayogyakarta Adiningrat ( Ngayogyakarta ) with capital Ngayogyakarta .


The selection of the name is intended to honor the historic place is Forest Beringan the deceased at the time of His Majesty King Sri Amangkurat Java ( Amangkurat IV ) is a beautiful little town . In it there is a rest house which is famous for its palace Garjitowati . Then in the days of His Majesty Sri Pakubuwana II reigns Kartasura replaced with the name of the guesthouse Ngayogya . At that time used as a stopping bodies of the nobles who will be buried in Imogiri . 

This small forest is the original resting place of Sunan Pakubuwono Houses Garjitowati II with the name . Henceforth he replaced it with the name Ayogya ( or Ngayogya ) . Name Ngayogyakarta interpreted from the word " Ayuda " and the word " Karta " . The word a meaning not and " yuda " means war . So " Ayuda " implies the absence of war or peace . While the " Karta " means safe and secure . So Ngayogyakarta can be interpreted as a safe and peaceful city .


Besides as a formidable warlord Sultan Hamengkubuwana I was also a great builder . Kraton Yogyakarta Sultanate was first built on October 9, 1755 . During the construction of the palace took place , the Sultan and families living in Houses Ambarketawang , Limestone , Sleman . Approximately one year . On Thursday Pahing , dated October 7, 1756 , although not yet completely finished , the Sultan and pleasing family occupied . Inauguration at the time of the king and his family occupy the palace marked by moon Sangkala Dwi Tunggal Naga Rasa . In the Java equals 1682, dated 13 Jimakir which coincides with the date of October 7, 1756 . 

After the palace began to be occupied then immediately followed up also other supporting buildings . Kraton surrounded by thick walls . In it there are several buildings with a variety of looks and function . Building residence sultan and close relatives called Prabayeksa , completed in 1756. Sitihinggil and The Exhibition Building was completed in 1757. Gapura liaison Hermit Fund and Kemagangan completed in 1761 and 1762 . Great Mosque founded in 1771 . Huge fort that surrounds the palace was completed in 1777 . Kencana ward was completed in 1792 . Such Yogyakarta palace stands with the development of ever- happens from time to time .


Small village , in a period of approximately 80 years with rapidly developed into the city , which today we know as the city of Medan , located in a flat land or FIELD , where the river meets the River Deli Babura , who was known as the " Daughter Medan " , not far from Jalan Putri Hijau now . 

According to Tengku Lukman Sinar , SH in his book " History of Silver Overlay " which was published in 1971 , which established the village of Medan is the King Master Patimpus , Datuk ancestors Silver Overlay (Twelve Cities ) and Datuk Sukapiring , that two of the four chiefs Deli Sultanate .


John Anderson , an employee of the British Government which is based in Penang , to the field in 1823 . In his book called " Mission to the Eastcoast of Sumatra " , edition 1826 Edinburg , Medan is still a small village of about 200 people . On the edge of the river up to the wall of the village Mosque Medan , no arrangement saw granite boulders square which presumably originated from the Hindu temple in Java .


According to legend , the ancient era, had lived in the Sultanate of Deli Lama is approximately 10 km from the village of Medan, Deli Tua is now a very beautiful daughter and for her beauty was named Princess Green . The daughter of a famous beauty everywhere , ranging from Aceh to the north end of the island of Java .


The Sultan 's daughter fell in love with it and proposed to be the queen . Proposal was rejected by the Sultan of Aceh two brothers Putri Hijau . The Sultan was very angry because the refusal was seen as an insult to him . Then came the war between Sultanate of Aceh and kesulatanan Deli .


According to legend mentioned above , by using magical powers , a daughter of the brother of Green transformed into a dragon and the other one as sepucuk cannon endlessly firing at troops in Aceh until his death .


Sultanate of Deli Lama 's defeat in the war and disillusioned , Son crown which was transformed into the cannon , exploding the back flew to Labuan Deli and high flatness front Karo , approximately 5 km from Kabanjahe .


Again a prince who has been turned into a dragon 's , resigned through the channel and into the Deli River in one place adjacent to Jalan Putri Hijau now . Stream took him to the Strait of Malacca from where he continued on his way at the end of the last Lok Seumawe near Jambo Aye , Aceh .

Green 's daughter captive and put in a glass coffin loaded into vessels for onward brought to Aceh .


When the ship reached the end Jambo Aye , Princess Green please held a ceremony for him before the crates unloaded from the ship . At his request , must be submitted to him some rice and thousands of eggs . Request host princess was granted .


However , just the ceremony began , a sudden gale blows followed by an all-powerful waves that are very high . From the sea appears that his brother has been transformed into the dragon using the large jaws , his brother took place locked chest , and brought into the sea . 

This legend is still popular among the people and even also in the Deli Malay community in Malaysia . In Deli Tua there are ruins of a castle fortress dating back to Putri Hijau , while the rest of the cannon , brother incarnation of Princess Green , can be seen on page Isatana Maymoon , Medan .

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